Have you ever noticed how some people seem destined for success? From the moment they set out to achieve something it is as if the next step is placed under their foot as they walk. They seem to be able to effortlessly determine and take the actions they need to take at exactly the right time and with exactly the right outcomes.
For the rest of us it doesn’t seem that easy. We know where we are and we have an idea of where we want to get to. We know there will be steps along the way and we set out with enthusiasm, hope and good intentions. But then, in the real world, things come along which get in our way. These barriers take different forms, we’re missing some vital piece of the jigsaw, we don’t have the energy or enthusiasm to plough on when things get tough, we don’t have time to take the steps we believe are necessary, there are other people who are stopping us, we don’t have enough money or perhaps we are just afraid that if we continue down the path there is something that can harm us physically or mentally. When we reach one of those barriers there are a few different things to do.
Many people are just stubborn. Whatever happens they just keep going. They set there route and they just carry on regardless, climbing the mountains and swimming the lakes in their way until they reach their objective. And as it goes stubbornness is a partially effective strategy on the pathway to success. But it can leave you exhausted and traumatised along the way and when you reach your goal the journey has taken so much out of you you sometimes wonder whether it was all worth it.
Others will reach a barrier and search for a way around it. They will turn to look at what others have done. There is no shortage of advice out there for people to get over, under or around barriers. Self-help books, blogs, training courses and other information products galore. The problem with most of those is they are usually based on tools and techniques which may have worked for the author in the particular circumstances that they found themselves in, but your circumstances are different and you are not the same person as the author, you will inevitably have different beliefs, values and life-experiences which make following someone else’s path difficult if not impossible.
And the third course many people will take is to just give up. They will reason that whilst the place they want to get to looks attractive that the barrier in the way is not worth the time, energy, courage or whatever else it will take to get there. They settle for where they are rather than striving for where they would love to be.
But what if there was another way? A way that seemed effortless and authentic for you as a person? A kind of personal satellite navigation system which is there to give you directions whenever you asked for them. A system that didn’t get upset when you ignored its previous instruction but just carries on recalculating your route and was always ready to guide you when you come to the next fork in the road.
Well at People Paradigm we believe that everybody is able to access that personal satellite navigation system. But most of the time we are unaware of its presence. Why? Well what obscures our ability to access this is the myriad of thought running around our heads. Thoughts about our past, pictures we have created about our future, what we believe to be true about ourselves and what we believe to be true about others, our beliefs about how the world works and our personal values. For most of us we have so much thinking going on it is difficult to free up space for fresh thinking or insight. When we can quiet all that extraneous thinking we all have access to our own intelligence and wisdom. That is a responsive intelligence that happens when you are present in the moment and which through fresh new thinking or insight will show you a path that you were unable to see before.
At People Paradigm our objective is to help you to access that intelligence and wisdom more often. And what we find is that the more you see and understand how the process works the easier it is to fall out of the storm of thinking that obscures it and into that intelligence and wisdom that will guide you on your pathway to success.